Log in to ELTEfind https://opac.elte.hu/MyResearch/UserLogin.
Search and locate item(s) you'd like to order.
After searching in our online catalog, see if the document is available for loan under the Holdings tab. Click on the respective link in the Related Items row for multivolume works to see each volume. Please select only items in the SEAS Library.
If the item is eligible for borrowing (most of our circulating collections are), you'll see a Place a Hold (Előjegyzés, kikérés) button under Status.
The pickup location/library is SEAS Library (Múzeum krt. 6-8. inner courtyard).
Date of your reservation is an automatically filled menu, where you can set up a time period, during which the librarians will hold the documents for you. The maximum amount of this time period is 2 days as a default. During the pandemic we allow more flexible hold periods.
You'll receive an email when your item is ready for pickup.
Please note that not all materials are eligible for borrowing. This applies to anything that we have electronic access to, journals, thesis papers and dissertations.
How do I Use the Electronic Request Slip?
Shared services of the University Library Service available at the SEAS Library: University Library Service
The Electronic Request Slip is a low- or no-contact pickup service, by appointment, that registered users of the SEAS Library can use to access our physical collections while building entry is restricted.
Further information about the use of electronic application:
To check your requests, please login at opac.elte.hu, click on „Your Account” (Saját polc) at the top of the menu, then choose the ”Holds and Recalls” (Kérések és előjegyzések) option.
Both English and Hungarian is available for use.
Our mobile WebApp can be found at the following address: konyvtar.elte.hu/app. If you prefer using it, the search will rederict you to ELTEfind, and you can Place a Hold there, after logging in.