


In 2025, ELTE subscribed to more than 30 domestic and international databases within the framework of the National Program for Electronic Information Services (EISZ).
In addition to the EISZ program, ELTE citizens have access to additional databases.

Databases recommended for Faculty of Humanities

Full list of current subscriptions and free databases

Database access

The databases are accessible from the university or from home.


  • VPN
    This service can be requested with IIG ID.
    By installing an application on your computer, this service allows you to connect to the databases from outside the university grounds.
    Detailed installation guide

  • Shibboleth / eduID
    Some databases are available without a specific application, only using the IIG ID.

    • 1. On the database’s webpage click on ’login’ or ’sign in”

    • 2. Select ’find my institution’ or ’Institutional Login’

    • 3. The institution can be selected in two ways

      • directly from a list

      • first selecting the region (’Hungarian EduID Federation’ or ’Hungarian Research & Education Federation’) then the institution

    • 4. After selecting the institution the ELTE Central login screen will appear, where you need to input your IIG (Caesar) ID and password in order to use the database.


  • via library computers (access is automatic)
  • via the university WIFI using your own device
    connecting to the university WIFI requires an IIG ID