Our history



The ELTE Faculty of Humanities Libraries was established by the I/2020. (I. 31.) Sen. resolution on the 31th of January, 2020. The libraries of the Faculty of Humanity used to function as separate entities: 13 institution libraries and 15 department libraries, along with the Central Reading Room. Based on the Senate’s Resolution, the institution and department libraries now form 7 reference library units, together they constitute the ELTE Faculty of Humanities Libraries. From the eight buildings at the campus on Museum boulevard, currently seven of them hosts libraries.

In the ELTE Faculty of Humanities Libraries, currently we are keeping around 1.2 million documents. In the Faculty’s library one can find our professors’ bequests, their private libraries, along with unique incunables and manuscripts. We collect the documents published by the Faculty, PhD theses, as well as theses written at certain departments in their respective libraries. Many of our collections are unique at the international and national levels. Some libraries frequented by experts, collect books written in dead or exotic languages.

The total area of our libraries, storages, reading rooms and workrooms add up to around 7000 square metres. Each department library provides services tailored to their respective department.