Link collections by topic
The link collections are specialized for one department of the Faculty. In these collections, we strive to collect the widest possible range of databases: bibliographies, comprehensive literary and scientific works, dictionaries, journals, etc., collected separately by country/language and by topic.
- Dutch databases
- Korean databases
- Library databases
- German databases
(thanks to Dr. habil. Márta Müller (Institute of German Studies) for the help with the compilation) - Ethnographic databases
(compiled by Éva Ildikó Kopaszné Szincsok (Library of the Institute of Ethnography)) - Scandinavian databases
(thanks to Dr. habil. Ildiko Vaskó (Institute of German Studies) for the help with the compilation) - Spanish databases
(compiled by Viktória Völgyi (Library of the Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Institute of Romance Studies))