Trial access: EBSCO SocINDEX with Full Text database
Until December 31, 2024
EBSCO has offered trial access to the SocINDEX with Full Text database, that is available on the EBSCOhost platform until the 31st of December 2023. The ELTE has subscribed to the database for 2024, so access can be continuous until the 31st of December 2024.
SocINDEX is the authoritative bibliographic database for sociology research. The database offers indexed records from top sociology journals covering many related studies.
SocINDEX with Full Text includes rigorous curation and indexing of Open Access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 811 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise, as well as accurate full-text linking.
Title Lists: Coverage (Excel / HTML) | Subject ( Excel / HTML)
Subjects: Arts and Entertainment, Business, Communication, Education, General Interest, Health and Medicine, History, Home and Living, Literature and Writing, Philosophy, Politics and Government, Religion, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sports and Leisure, Technology
via library computers (access is automatic)
via the university WIFI using your own device
connecting to the university WIFI requires an IIG ID
This service can be requested with IIG ID.
By installing an application on your computer, this service allows you to connect to the databases from outside the university grounds.
Detailed installation guide